Give people with long Covid
back their life, by helping out.
We believe the quickest and most reliable way to build the Long Covid Toolkit is to involve a large number of people with medical and other expertise, on a volunteer basis. We will recruit the most active contributors to work as paid staff.
We are a warm, welcoming and professional community.
We are looking for volunteers
for the following:
Write content for the Toolkit
We are looking for doctors, researchers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and anyone else with expertise for the content of the Toolkit.
Help with the website
We are looking for Drupal developers, front-end specialists , designers and UX experts.
Help out with the organisation
Are you a legal expert, business developer, grant proposal wizard, etc.? Please join us!
Be a community manager
We invite people from other existing long Covid communities to join forces.
Take our PR and marketing to the next level
We are looking to involve more experts in building the Toolkit. For email marketeers, growth hackers and more.
Start your own fundraiser campaign for the Toolkit.
Help out with your very own fundraiser! We can give you an account for a personal campaign page. Start a social media campaign, organise a lottery, etc. Don't have the energy yourself? Maybe a friend of family member can help out.
Will you join us?
Contact us or...